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Çelik Makina Sanayi ve Ticaret A.Ş.
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It defines the wage systems and practices of our Board Members and executives with administrative responsibility within the scope of CMB regulations

Wages are considered according to the duties and responsibilities undertaken by the Members of the Board in the Company, the responsibility they take in the decision-making process, the knowledge, skills, competence, level of experience and time they spend. Comparisons are made with the salary levels of Board Members of other companies in the sector. In addition, a fee is determined in accordance with the market conditions and based on the Company's strategies and policies. In the wages of the Independent Members of the Board, it is considered to ensure that the Independent Member maintains its independence. The Corporate Management Committee ensures that the long-term goals of the Company are taken into account, in addition to the criteria mentioned above, in determining the principles, criteria and in formulating wage proposals of the Members of the Board. To be valid for all Members of the Board of Directors, a fixed fee is determined at the annual general assembly meeting and submitted to the approval of the partners

While determining the monthly fixed wages of the managers who have administrative responsibility in the company, the duties, responsibilities, experience, risk taken, success criteria, individual performance, experience and competency indicators are taken into consideration. The Corporate Management Committee determines the wages in accordance with the legal obligations, taking into account the economic conditions of the country and the wage policies prevailing in the market, as well as the long-term targets and positions of the individuals, by trying to maintain the internal balances and presents them to the Board as a proposal. The Board determines the monthly wages every year in line with the proposal submitted.